High process quality is the key to successful production. However, conventional technology solutions insufficiently capture real-time data and offer reactive rather than preventive approaches to quality assurance. Position data enables companies to achieve significant quality improvements across production and logistics processes.
Location-based quality control enables consistent compliance with process rules and storage principles, such as acclimatization times and goal times. Ultimately, it ensures flawless process and product quality.
1 | Manual Process Errors:
Process violations, such as exceeding acclimatization times, quickly result in quality problems and non-value adding work activities.
2 | Costly Delays or Downtimes:
Delayed detection of process violations, such as a skipped process step, can lead to costly scrap, rework, or repairs.
3 | Inadequate inspection:
Gaps in material inspection can result in the wrong materials being processed, which leads to rework.
4 | Non-adherence to storage principles:
the FIFO principle is repeatedly violated.