
Continental x KINEXON Fleet Manager


Future-Proof and Scalability Assured

Con­ti­nen­tal achie­ved ope­ra­tio­nal excel­lence by lever­aging the KIN­EXON Fleet Mana­ger, which pro­vi­ded cen­tra­li­zed con­trol for their diver­se fleet of AMRs. This trans­for­ma­ti­on enhan­ced task allo­ca­ti­on pre­cisi­on, inte­gra­ted a for­klift avo­id­ance sys­tem, and resul­ted in a new stan­dard of pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, ensu­ring punc­tu­al and error-free task com­ple­ti­on.

Get more insights in our case study!

The Outcome

The Situation

In three Con­ti­nen­tal fac­to­ries, the manu­fac­tu­ring of fric­tion bra­ke and elec­tro­nic par­king bra­ke sys­tems reli­es on manu­al trans­port using for­klifts for hand­ling hea­vy mate­ri­als, des­pi­te ongo­ing efforts aimed at automation.

The Challenge

Con­ti­nen­tal faced a two-fold chal­len­ge: first, the impe­ra­ti­ve to auto­ma­te the­se fac­to­ries with cut­ting-edge mobi­le robots; second, the need for a robust fleet manage­ment solu­ti­on that would seam­less­ly con­nect diver­se mobi­le robots and
ensu­re future sca­la­bi­li­ty and expansion.

The Solution

KIN­EXON OS powers the KIN­EXON Fleet Mana­ger, enab­ling scala­b­le fleet solu­ti­ons and redu­cing time-to-mar­ket. Nota­b­ly, the Fleet Mana­ger’s VDA 5050 com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty ensu­res seam­less ope­ra­ti­on of robots from various manu­fac­tu­rers, pro­mo­ting inte­gra­ti­on for an effi­ci­ent auto­ma­ti­on environment.

With the power to orches­tra­te and auto­ma­te our robot fleet, we’ve achie­ved an addi­tio­nal push for our ope­ra­tio­nal effi­ci­en­cy and accu­ra­cy. Our tasks are seam­less­ly com­ple­ted, and errors have beco­me a thing of the past. The fleet manage­ment solu­ti­on from KIN­EXON has saved us time and resour­ces and posi­tively impac­ted our over­all pro­duc­tion quality.”

Andreas Kerkenhoff, Head of Industrial Engineering AMR, Continental

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